Seeking Truth

‭‭Mark‬ ‭12‬‬:‭35-44‬ NLT

I love to do lists. I love crossing things off, because it makes me feel as though I have accomplished something. Recently I am beginning to notice that the “to dos,” never stop. For every ten things I cross off, I’m flipping to a new page on my notepad to add ten more. The feeling of accomplishment never really lasts that long either.  About as long as it takes me to write the next mundane list of things to be accomplished. 

When I read Mark 12:35-44,  I was completing another task on my to do list. I love writing, and I am beyond blessed to have this opportunity to share my thoughts and perspective on scripture with you, however, this specific task was literally on my “to do” list. In this scripture, Jesus is giving multiple examples of religious people who think they know, and then one example of a woman who proved she did know by giving her all … literally. 

This is probably my 6th draft of this written piece, because I wanted to be like the woman who gave her all.  If I’m gonna give something to Jesus, I want it to be good, pure, heartfelt, and honest. 

The part that struck me in these verses, wasn’t even the woman who gave her everything, or that the religious people acted as they did. It was in verse 37, where it states “The large crowd listened to him with great delight.” 

They were delighted in the truth. 

The difference between me putting this written piece on a to do list, and a religious person, is simply heart's intent. I love that I get to be used by God. I love seeking relationship, truth, and becoming more in tune with God. However, I would be being dishonest if I didn’t admit that there are times where I have to stop myself from spiraling in my own mind, and refocus on God's truths about me. Sometimes, I get so caught up in what I’m doing, that I forget why I am doing it. That’s where these verses convicted me. 

The reality here is, no matter how convicting it is, how earth shattering, or sometimes even how painful it can be, we all desire truth. In John 14:6 Jesus states ‘I am the way, the truth, and the light, no one comes to the Father except through me.’ 

Truth is, the lady Jesus praises, gave everything for truth. As Christians, we continuously give in order to work towards overall truth, God's Kingdom. Whether it be time, money, the use of our God given gifts, energy, prayer, whatever it is, when we give it to God, we are seeking his truth. When we truly open our hearts to seek God's will, we are asking for his truth in our lives. 

Friend, truth is refreshing, and it is so beautiful. Truth is, you were created with purpose. Truth is, you are loved unconditionally. Truth is, the creator of the universe wants an intimate relationship with you. 

However, truth can only be sought after when we understand that Jesus is truth, and in seeking truth, you are seeking him. Truth can’t be sought after by taking matters into your own hands, and truth doesn’t equate to praise for acts that are done out of ritual. 

Truth is a matter of the soul. It’s your intent. It’s the heart exposed for its truest desires.

So friend, today, reread this verse, then sit and ask yourself what do you do out of ritual? What is on your to do list that is habitual, and needs some truth? Are there areas in your life that you are seeking truth?


Dear Father,
We thank you for your truth. We thank you for not looking for a completed to do list, father, you want the real deal: the broken me, the distraught me, the tired and worn out me. You want the vulnerable me so that you can replenish me with your truth. Father, we thank you that your truth means that: I am worthy, despite my past, I am loved, despite my sins, and I am your child, above all else. When I open my heart to you father, truth rushes in. In this father I pray for strength when the truth requires change. I pray for wisdom, when the truth isn’t easy and ultimately, I pray for peace, father, knowing that your truth will prevail. 

I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen.




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