PSA For Young Adults.
I have a message and a challenge specifically for young adults, ages 18-30.
These are the most formidable years of your life.
I believe your true life begins at the age of 30yrs, but it all depends on how well you live your young adult years.
There's a crisis of purpose and meaning among young adults in our society. More and more young adults are failing to launch into adulthood and the divine responsibility to start a family and become a productive citizen. There's many reasons for that, but I'll give you a solution via a challenge.
It is the challenge of living an ANONYMOUS life.
We do not know much about Jesus’ life between the ages of 18-30yrs.
At around the age of 12, Jesus said these famous words:
”And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”“
Luke 2:49 NKJV
Then, Jesus goes into obscurity for about 18years before He announces His public ministry at the age of 30. WHY?
Because He was preparing Himself in the DARK.
There's a great book on this topic called anonymous: Jesus’ hidden years and yours by Alicia Chole.
I HIGHLY recommend this book.
There's a powerful equation in it about a meaningful life, like an iceberg is:
90% hidden + 10%public = indestructible life.
Take the challenge:
Disconnect from social media and avoid the temptation of posting everything about your life. You are not that interesting yet. Stop hanging around with just other young adults because it is delaying your maturity. It is a glorified high school after high school. Get around some married people and those who are productive with their lives.
Don't date for the sake of dating. Focus on being the person that God created. Learn to be alone and discover your true self in Christ.
Serve and don't be selfish. Stop calling attention to yourself.
Invest your time, talent and treasure in things that will last. Don't be vain.
Be like Jesus. Let Him develop you in the dark.
With love,
Pastor Marco
These are the most formidable years of your life.
I believe your true life begins at the age of 30yrs, but it all depends on how well you live your young adult years.
There's a crisis of purpose and meaning among young adults in our society. More and more young adults are failing to launch into adulthood and the divine responsibility to start a family and become a productive citizen. There's many reasons for that, but I'll give you a solution via a challenge.
It is the challenge of living an ANONYMOUS life.
We do not know much about Jesus’ life between the ages of 18-30yrs.
At around the age of 12, Jesus said these famous words:
”And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”“
Luke 2:49 NKJV
Then, Jesus goes into obscurity for about 18years before He announces His public ministry at the age of 30. WHY?
Because He was preparing Himself in the DARK.
There's a great book on this topic called anonymous: Jesus’ hidden years and yours by Alicia Chole.
I HIGHLY recommend this book.
There's a powerful equation in it about a meaningful life, like an iceberg is:
90% hidden + 10%public = indestructible life.
Take the challenge:
Disconnect from social media and avoid the temptation of posting everything about your life. You are not that interesting yet. Stop hanging around with just other young adults because it is delaying your maturity. It is a glorified high school after high school. Get around some married people and those who are productive with their lives.
Don't date for the sake of dating. Focus on being the person that God created. Learn to be alone and discover your true self in Christ.
Serve and don't be selfish. Stop calling attention to yourself.
Invest your time, talent and treasure in things that will last. Don't be vain.
Be like Jesus. Let Him develop you in the dark.
With love,
Pastor Marco
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