Encountering God in Solitude
February 18th, 2025
Encountering God in SolitudeGenesis 32:22-31, Psalm 46:10Jacob's encounter with God at Peniel reminds us of the power of solitude in our spiritual lives. In our busy world, it's easy to neglect quiet time with God. Yet, it's often in these moments of isolation that God speaks most clearly to us.Today, intentionally create space for solitude. Turn off distractions and sit quietly in God's presence....
Jesus as the Only Way
January 29th, 2025
Jesus as the Only WayJohn 14:1-6Jesus declares Himself as the way, the truth, and the life - the only door to salvation. This echoes the symbolism of the single door on Noah's ark.In a world that often promotes many paths to God, Jesus' words can seem exclusive. Yet, they're an invitation to a relationship with the living God.Reflect on what it means to you that Jesus is the way. How does this sha...
God's Plan of Salvation
January 28th, 2025
God's Plan of SalvationGenesis 6:5-22The story of Noah illustrates God's grief over sin and His plan for salvation. As you read, consider the state of humanity that grieved God's heart. How does this relate to our world today?Noah's obedience in building the ark foreshadows God's ultimate plan of salvation through Jesus. Like Noah, we're called to trust and obey God's plan, even when it seems fool...
The Holiness of God
January 27th, 2025
The Holiness of GodIsaiah 6:1-8Today, we encounter the awe-inspiring holiness of God. Isaiah's vision reminds us that God's holiness is not just one attribute among many, but His very essence.As you read, imagine yourself in Isaiah's place. How does God's holiness make you feel? Like Isaiah, we might feel undone in the presence of such purity. But notice God's grace - He doesn't leave Isaiah in hi...
Ultimate sacrifice
January 23rd, 2025
The Ultimate SacrificeGenesis 3:21, Hebrews 9:11-14, 1 Peter 1:18-21The first sacrifice in Scripture occurs in the Garden of Eden, where God clothes Adam and Eve with animal skins.This act foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God's response to our sin isn't abandonment, but a costly act of love.Hebrews and 1 Peter illuminate the significance of Christ's sacrifice – a perfect offerin...