Solid 15
Written by: Kylie J.
Spend 5 minutes in Worship
New Wine - Maverick City
Spend 5 minutes in the Word
John 15-21 (MSG)
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you! “I will not leave you orphaned. I’m coming back. In just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I’m in my Father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you. “The person who knows my commandments and keeps them, that’s who loves me. And the person who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and make myself plain to him.”
Spend 5 minutes in Prayer
Jesus, thank You for making me a new creation. You have rescued me from the depths of despair where I couldn’t see any hope, Lord. You have healed me. Help me remain in you Jesus, to abide in You on a daily basis. God I know that anything you ask of me is for my own good, You only want what is best for me Jesus, and I thank you. I don’t have to understand if I just trust You. Lord continue to make more room for You in my heart and less room for me. Jesus, I love you and I want to be a participant in Your glory. Thank You, Jesus.
New Wine - Maverick City
Spend 5 minutes in the Word
John 15-21 (MSG)
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you. I will talk to the Father, and he’ll provide you another Friend so that you will always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can’t take him in because it doesn’t have eyes to see him, doesn’t know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you! “I will not leave you orphaned. I’m coming back. In just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I’m in my Father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you. “The person who knows my commandments and keeps them, that’s who loves me. And the person who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and make myself plain to him.”
Spend 5 minutes in Prayer
Jesus, thank You for making me a new creation. You have rescued me from the depths of despair where I couldn’t see any hope, Lord. You have healed me. Help me remain in you Jesus, to abide in You on a daily basis. God I know that anything you ask of me is for my own good, You only want what is best for me Jesus, and I thank you. I don’t have to understand if I just trust You. Lord continue to make more room for You in my heart and less room for me. Jesus, I love you and I want to be a participant in Your glory. Thank You, Jesus.
Day 1: The Gospel Story Unfolds.Day 2: The Fall and God's PromiseDay 3 - Jesus, the Fulfillment of ProphecyDay 8 - The Creator's BlueprintThe Fall and God's VulnerabilityTrue Worship vs. Self-WorshipJesus as the Living WordRecognizing the Enemy's TacticsUltimate sacrificeThe Holiness of GodGod's Plan of SalvationJesus as the Only Way
Solid 15Solid 15Training SeasonSolid 15Solid 15Solid 15Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster) Chapter Four: The Discipline of FastingSolid 15Making Sacrifice Your “Prayer Partner”Solid 15Laser FocusedSolid 15Pray like Jesus to be More Like JesusSolid 15Victory Through Prayer AND FastingSolid 15Bring Sunday... EverydaySolid 15Avoid ComplacencySolid 15
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