Reveal and Heal
Reveal and Heal
Written by: Sharon W
Two very simple words: So, humor me for a moment and let’s look them up.
Reveal: (verb) make previously unknown or secret information known to others (or self).
Heal: (verb) to make free from injury or disease; to make sound or whole; to make well again; to restore to health.
This short phrase “reveal and heal” has become my prayer this year; and as I pray it, He surely has delivered!
How can we be healed of the things that we don’t even know about ourselves? As we pray to have Him reveal these things, either through thought, experiences, His Word, or in our actions, we get a glimpse of the “self” that we do not want to be! Only through this revelation, can we then go to Him in prayer, repentance, and a sincere humble heart to ask that He deliver us from this thing, or the sin that has been revealed.
Oh sure, you can try to fix that part of yourself through self-discipline or some other human method that you come up with. But let me tell you, through my experience, it does not usually work out. As a matter of fact, the more I try not to do it, be it, act it, say it, the louder it becomes in real life as well as in my mind and soul. That is when IT happens. I am defeated, because I cannot do it on my own. This is when I truly surrender it, all of it, my will, and give it to Him and allow God to step in and take over; take that part of me and heal me through Christ.
So, whatever you are struggling with right now, or worse, if you’re not and you are just going through the days “la-dee-da”, thinking you are good, ask Him to REVEAL and see what happens. And if you want to really take on a challenge, you can do what I did. I said to Him, “Bring it on!”
Be prepared, my friends. He is about to blow your socks off! I must admit, it was painful; as He revealed things about me that I hadn’t noticed or realized about myself. I was shocked (the “last to know” kind of humor). I even said out loud, “Who, me? I can’t believe I’m like that.” But let me tell you, I am so glad He showed me. That was the beginning of the healing. As He leads me by the hand, I feel His presence and become that soft, pliable clay, that empty teachable vessel: He is so gracious, so kind, so patient, and so, so merciful.
I guarantee you, (I’m sounding like a sales person right now, but bear with me) that He will do a mighty work in you like you have never seen or known before. As you trust Him more each day, He begins the process of healing you of those things that are not of Him; and the more you rely on Him to transform and heal those things, you become more like Him and the person He created you to be. Yes, the more you think of Him, the more you pray with Him, the more you lean on and into Him, the more thankful you become for who He is!
So, dig deep my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and watch what God can do! All Glory to Jehovah-Rapha, our Mighty Healer. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” (Ephesians 5:8-13 NIV)
Written by: Sharon W
Two very simple words: So, humor me for a moment and let’s look them up.
Reveal: (verb) make previously unknown or secret information known to others (or self).
Heal: (verb) to make free from injury or disease; to make sound or whole; to make well again; to restore to health.
This short phrase “reveal and heal” has become my prayer this year; and as I pray it, He surely has delivered!
How can we be healed of the things that we don’t even know about ourselves? As we pray to have Him reveal these things, either through thought, experiences, His Word, or in our actions, we get a glimpse of the “self” that we do not want to be! Only through this revelation, can we then go to Him in prayer, repentance, and a sincere humble heart to ask that He deliver us from this thing, or the sin that has been revealed.
Oh sure, you can try to fix that part of yourself through self-discipline or some other human method that you come up with. But let me tell you, through my experience, it does not usually work out. As a matter of fact, the more I try not to do it, be it, act it, say it, the louder it becomes in real life as well as in my mind and soul. That is when IT happens. I am defeated, because I cannot do it on my own. This is when I truly surrender it, all of it, my will, and give it to Him and allow God to step in and take over; take that part of me and heal me through Christ.
So, whatever you are struggling with right now, or worse, if you’re not and you are just going through the days “la-dee-da”, thinking you are good, ask Him to REVEAL and see what happens. And if you want to really take on a challenge, you can do what I did. I said to Him, “Bring it on!”
Be prepared, my friends. He is about to blow your socks off! I must admit, it was painful; as He revealed things about me that I hadn’t noticed or realized about myself. I was shocked (the “last to know” kind of humor). I even said out loud, “Who, me? I can’t believe I’m like that.” But let me tell you, I am so glad He showed me. That was the beginning of the healing. As He leads me by the hand, I feel His presence and become that soft, pliable clay, that empty teachable vessel: He is so gracious, so kind, so patient, and so, so merciful.
I guarantee you, (I’m sounding like a sales person right now, but bear with me) that He will do a mighty work in you like you have never seen or known before. As you trust Him more each day, He begins the process of healing you of those things that are not of Him; and the more you rely on Him to transform and heal those things, you become more like Him and the person He created you to be. Yes, the more you think of Him, the more you pray with Him, the more you lean on and into Him, the more thankful you become for who He is!
So, dig deep my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and watch what God can do! All Glory to Jehovah-Rapha, our Mighty Healer. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. But everything exposed by the light becomes visible – and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.” (Ephesians 5:8-13 NIV)
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