Getting Back on Track.

"The Godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again." - Proverbs 24:16

Daily we must make the decision to stay submitted to God all over again. Yesterday's victory does not guarantee today's and future victories against our flesh and sinful nature.

"I die daily." - 1 Corinthians 15:31

It's never too late to get back on track. Repentance and confession are powerful.

Where in your life have you settled for less than God's will?

Where have you missed the mark of what God intends for you?

Take a few minutes to eliminate distractions, get alone to somewhere quiet, and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where in your life you have been "off".

Don't be in a rush.

Repent, ask for forgiveness, and ask for wisdom.

When you're finished praying, connect with a friend who you can also confess to and let them know about what's been going on in your life.

When it comes to killing your sinful nature, every single day, here is a tool as a church we've been talking about to help.

Commit to follow these guided prayers on the Lectio 365 App to help you connect with Jesus in a more intimate way.




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