Father Knows Best

“Listen carefully to what I am saying—and be wary of the shrewd advice that tells you how to get ahead in the world on your own. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity. Stinginess impoverishes.” (‭‭Mark‬ ‭4:24-25‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

So much of my life has been spent thinking I have the answers to achieving a long, successful, and fulfilling life. As a result, I’ve learned that if left to my own devices I will only succeed in making matters worse. A good portion of my life has been spent in institutions of confinement. 

Most recently I spent nine years of my life in a Massachusetts Correctional Institution. At the time of my arrest my only child, who I love dearly, was only four. A large chunk of her life was experienced without me being able to be physically present. Thank God that the mother of my daughter was loving enough and caring enough to allow me to have a role in her upbringing, albeit in a limited capacity. 

While I did the best I could to be a good father from prison, the truth is I could only say so much, do so much, and be so much as the circumstances would allow. When I finally was able, by the grace of God, to be united with my daughter our relationship became strained. You see, we didn’t have enough experiences with each other to navigate the parent/child relationship. It was a constant battle. This led to her and I being frustrated and me being overbearing at times. 

I tried many times on my own to rectify our situation to no avail. However, it was in my moments of prayer that I began to find the answers I was looking for. God began to work on me. He revealed to me that my problem wasn’t with my daughter but rather with me. It was the way I viewed our situation that caused me to respond to her in ways that was counterproductive to us having a healthy relationship. 

I was trying to take from her the things I felt were due. It was only when I humbled myself before God that I began to find the success I was looking for. Success was found by seeking help from outside of myself. God revealed to me that instead of trying to take, I should be trying to give. As I began to give her what she needed instead of trying to take what I felt I needed, things began to change. Seeking the counsel of our Heavenly Father proved to be the difference. 

This experience has reinforced for me the ideas that we are not meant to do life on our own as well as it’s better to give than receive. The best part is, I’m learning to be a better father by the best Father of all. Our heavenly Father. It’s true what they say... Father does know best. 


Thank You Lord for the gift of community. Life is better together. Thank You that we get to do life with You and others. Help us learn to give to others what we would want from them just as You have designed life to be. Thank You Jesus. Amen.




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