CREW, that’s not for me... Or is it?

Written by: Richie L.

My very first experience with crews began just 2 weeks after starting at New Life. The crew season was just beginning and I was very, very new to the New Life Church. When I was first told about crews, I remember thinking “That’s not for me, I just took the leap to come to Church, that must be for the veterans”. I was scared of the intimacy that a small group would bring. I felt inadequate and as though I would be exposed as the “new guy” or the “rookie”. I prefered the anonymity that came with sitting in the back and flying under the radar. I was not going to budge on this…. until my wife decided that we should check it out.

So we took a leap, and joined a crew. We start to sit down in somewhat of a circle, deciding to grab the back seat, I sit at the furthest wall, thinking “I will silently observe from the back”. And wouldn't you know, the leader of the crew sits right next to me!!  What are the chances? So there I was feeling like I was front and center, slowly edging my chair away and back further into the corner, little by little. Fast forward through that crew season, and I can’t say how thankful I am to have joined that crew! Over the weeks, I was able to go deeper into the Word and began to be comfortable praying out loud and with others. It’s now been quite a few years, and I can still say that I “do life” with a good number of my first crew family.

I can say through experience, that Yes, crews are for me. Being in a crew was something that was once scary and intimidating. Now, I lead a crew and look forward to crews with every new season. The experience is something that has built lasting relationships, helped me grow deeper in my faith, and helped me to experience a deeper relationship with God.




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