Prayer to Move Mountains

Mark 11:15-26

In Mark 11:22-26 Jesus teaches the disciples about the power of prayer. Jesus makes it clear that having faith in God allows you to have the power and authority to move mountains. However, Jesus emphasized the importance of praying the right way. The kind of prayer that moves mountains is prayer for the fruitfulness of God’s Kingdom. Jesus’ example of moving a mountain into the sea demonstrates that nothing is impossible with prayer.

Jesus is clear that God will answer your prayers. However, He is clear that simply saying a prayer and having a positive mental attitude does not mean you will receive it. You must first have the faith to believe that God will answer your prayers. Having faith in God means you are fully surrendering the prayer to God and trusting that He will answer your prayer. Even if God does not answer your prayer, you can trust that His nonresponse is an answer. Prayers are always answered in God’s own timing, not our own. Our prayers should also be aligned to God’s Kingdom. It is easy to get caught up in our own situation, but God’s focus always remains on the bigger picture. If our prayers are not aligned with God’s Kingdom, we might need to check our hearts before we can expect God to answer.

Jesus also teaches that you must first forgive anyone that you are holding a grudge against before God can forgive you and answer your prayers. Forgiveness is sometimes overlooked as an obstacle that might be holding us back from receiving an answer to our prayers. God focuses on the heart. He wants to forgive you of your sins and answer your prayer, but Jesus is clear that first you must surrender your own grudges to Him. Our sinful nature and pride can often get in the way of forgiveness and is a stronghold that will continue to hold you back. A person who prays while bearing a grudge is like a tree sprouting leaves and bearing no fruit.
Jesus gives us the perfect example of forgiveness. After He has been beaten and condemned for crimes He did not commit and sentenced to death by the cross, He asks God to forgive those who condemned Him. Jesus always had His focus on the bigger picture and knew His purpose was greater than the physical pain He was suffering in the moment. He gave forgiveness freely knowing God’s ultimate plan. Just like Jesus, we should be quick to forgive. It might not come easy, but the more you practice the easier it will become. Ask Jesus to soften your heart towards others and to help you to surrender your grudge and see what God can restore in your own life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for everything You have done in my life. I surrender any grudges that I am holding in my life. I pray that You help me to let go of things that have happened in the past and that I can find true forgiveness. Search my heart and help me to surrender this to You. Help me to let go of hurts and abandon grudges. I pray that I will be able to move mountains with my prayers. I pray that You will show me the power and authority in my prayers. I pray that I can align with Your Kingdom. I pray that my heart’s desires are the same as Yours. Please help me to be patient in the moments when I do not see an answered prayer. Please help me to have the faith to believe that You are in control no matter the situation. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.




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