Why Jesus asks questions.

Read: Mark 10:1-12

verse 3: “Jesus answered them with a question.”

It is impossible to read the Gospels without seeing Jesus. The Son of God (which means equal with God) ask questions in response to being asked a question. 

Now that sparks a question in my mind. Why is God asking questions at all? 

God is omniscient, which means that God is “all knowing”. He knows everything.

Past, present, and future. He knows everything there is to know about anything in existence. He knows everything there is to know about anything that has existed, and He knows everything there is to know about anything that will exist. 

He knows the thoughts and tendencies of the 7.9 billion people on planet earth right now. He knows what each of us can do and ultimately what we will do in every second of every day of our lives. 

So with all of that in mind...Why would Jesus, who is God in human flesh, ask a question to anyone at all?

The Truth is Jesus is after one thing and one thing only. Our hearts. Nothing exposes the position of our hearts more than the right question.

There are certain things that God is dead serious about and commitment, faithfulness, love, and trust are very high on that list.

Jesus’ question and response to the Pharisees exposed the fact that the people of Israel were adulterous and rebellious in their hearts first and foremost towards God, which ultimately affected their relationships with everyone else in life.

A man who is committed to God first will be committed to everything/everyone God has given him.

A woman who is faithful to God first will be committed to everything/ everyone God has given her. 

Where is your heart? Are you someone God can trust? Why do you seek the things that you seek? 

Jesus is asking those types of questions to each of us every single day. Be faithful, seek the heart of Jesus and live from a place of love and commitment to the things and people that truly matter. 

Prayer: Jesus I thank You for who You are. Soften my heart and fill me with Your Spirit. Show me how to love like You, be faithful like You, and to stay committed like You. I want to be a person You can trust. Lead me and guide me and please bring me closer to You. Amen.




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