You Are Not Defined By Your Situation

“The demon possessed man.”

“The Synagogue leader with a dead daughter.”

“The Woman with the issue of blood.”

Each of these individuals had a situation that they could not handle on their own or in and of themselves.  Each of them had suffered loss, pain, and disappointment but the story all ends the same….Jesus showed up.

If Jesus came through for them He can do it for you as well. 

Will you let Him?

You are not defined by anything other than The Word of God. Jesus is the living Word and He has the final say in each of our lives.

The demon possessed man became free.

The daughterless father experienced first hand new life and resurrection power.

The woman with the issue of blood became healed and clean.  

Mark Chapter 5 is a chapter about not allowing fear to stop you from activating your faith and pressing closer to Jesus.

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Tell yourself that everyday until you believe it. There is so much more that God has for us.

Allow Jesus to guide you today and to do what only He can do in and through you.

“Jesus thank You for who You are. There are some things in my life that I need You to bring healing, life, and freedom to. Lead me today, and give me the confidence that You are with me regardless of my situation. You are faithful and I trust You. Thank You for never leaving me. Amen.”




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