Solid 15
Written by: Tommy M.
Spend 5 minutes in Worship
Church Of Hope - Heart Of Worship Medley
Spend 5 minutes in the Word
“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.”
James 3:9-10 NIV
Spend 5 minutes in Prayer
Lord, there is power in our words. May we use our voice to lift others up, to encourage them, to love everyone. Let our words be praise and thanks to you. Jesus, we ask that we are slow to speak, especially in times of frustration or misunderstanding. Help us to see people the way you see people. Help align our thoughts and words to you. We pray for a tiny spark to be ignited within us, where only you can light that flame. Jesus, we thank you and love you. AMEN!
Church Of Hope - Heart Of Worship Medley
Spend 5 minutes in the Word
“With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.”
James 3:9-10 NIV
Spend 5 minutes in Prayer
Lord, there is power in our words. May we use our voice to lift others up, to encourage them, to love everyone. Let our words be praise and thanks to you. Jesus, we ask that we are slow to speak, especially in times of frustration or misunderstanding. Help us to see people the way you see people. Help align our thoughts and words to you. We pray for a tiny spark to be ignited within us, where only you can light that flame. Jesus, we thank you and love you. AMEN!
Day 1: The Gospel Story Unfolds.Day 2: The Fall and God's PromiseDay 3 - Jesus, the Fulfillment of ProphecyDay 8 - The Creator's BlueprintThe Fall and God's VulnerabilityTrue Worship vs. Self-WorshipJesus as the Living WordRecognizing the Enemy's TacticsUltimate sacrificeThe Holiness of GodGod's Plan of SalvationJesus as the Only Way
Solid 15Solid 15Training SeasonSolid 15Solid 15Solid 15Celebration of Discipline (Richard Foster) Chapter Four: The Discipline of FastingSolid 15Making Sacrifice Your “Prayer Partner”Solid 15Laser FocusedSolid 15Pray like Jesus to be More Like JesusSolid 15Victory Through Prayer AND FastingSolid 15Bring Sunday... EverydaySolid 15Avoid ComplacencySolid 15
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