Blessed To Be A Blessing
Written by: D’Andre T.
Read James: 2:14-26
There is something better than going to Heaven.
Getting there and seeing your friends and your family there as well.
Getting there and meeting people that you impacted and played a part in their story to help them get to Jesus throughout this life.
Living just for yourself is too small and is opposite of what the Gospel is all about.
Putting your faith in Jesus is the easy part. Putting your faith in action is where the true power is. That takes being intentional and conquering your flesh every single day. Jesus didn’t just come to save us from the penalty of sin. He saves us from the power of sin and His grace through the The Holy Spirit empowers us to live the way He calls us to live. When you do life with Jesus, you have a new found boldness, joy, peace, and ability to live above sin and mediocrity. You now have the strength to say “no” to your old life of satisfying your flesh and sinful desires.
You have a fresh perspective and can see people and situations the way Jesus sees them. And you have a new heart that cares for people and wants to see them healed and blessed.
The amazing part is that we get to be a part of bringing healing and being a blessing to people. That’s what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
By being the new normal, we can be a “breath of fresh air” to the people around us. We are light and salt in this dark and decaying world. When people get around us, the way that we talk, walk, post, spend, laugh, do business, parent, and work is countercultural. We are different.
Following Jesus is not simply talking about Jesus. It’s living the Truth out every single day. Our faith is tangible. Jesus directly connects our faith in Him to how we treat other people.
How can you be a blessing today? Who can you pray for today?
You don’t have to force it…Who can you encourage by just simply being you?
Thank you Jesus for Who You are. I need You today. Continue to change me from the inside out and make me more like You. I pray for the opportunity to bless someone today and be an encouragement. Reveal yourself through me and do what only you can do. Speak to me and soften my heart to obey You. I love You and Thank You. Amen.
There is something better than going to Heaven.
Getting there and seeing your friends and your family there as well.
Getting there and meeting people that you impacted and played a part in their story to help them get to Jesus throughout this life.
Living just for yourself is too small and is opposite of what the Gospel is all about.
Putting your faith in Jesus is the easy part. Putting your faith in action is where the true power is. That takes being intentional and conquering your flesh every single day. Jesus didn’t just come to save us from the penalty of sin. He saves us from the power of sin and His grace through the The Holy Spirit empowers us to live the way He calls us to live. When you do life with Jesus, you have a new found boldness, joy, peace, and ability to live above sin and mediocrity. You now have the strength to say “no” to your old life of satisfying your flesh and sinful desires.
You have a fresh perspective and can see people and situations the way Jesus sees them. And you have a new heart that cares for people and wants to see them healed and blessed.
The amazing part is that we get to be a part of bringing healing and being a blessing to people. That’s what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
By being the new normal, we can be a “breath of fresh air” to the people around us. We are light and salt in this dark and decaying world. When people get around us, the way that we talk, walk, post, spend, laugh, do business, parent, and work is countercultural. We are different.
Following Jesus is not simply talking about Jesus. It’s living the Truth out every single day. Our faith is tangible. Jesus directly connects our faith in Him to how we treat other people.
How can you be a blessing today? Who can you pray for today?
You don’t have to force it…Who can you encourage by just simply being you?
Thank you Jesus for Who You are. I need You today. Continue to change me from the inside out and make me more like You. I pray for the opportunity to bless someone today and be an encouragement. Reveal yourself through me and do what only you can do. Speak to me and soften my heart to obey You. I love You and Thank You. Amen.
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